Festival of Sacred Arts

I’m very excited to perform Hafliði Hallgrímsson’s new Oratorio at Hallgrímskirkja at the Festival of Sacred Arts in Reykjavík on the 1st and 2nd of June:

PREMIÉRE- MYSTERIUM, new oratorio by Hafliði Hallgrímsson. Performers: The Hallgrimskirkja Motet Choir, Schola cantorum, Herdís Anna Jónasdóttir soprano, Hanna Dóra Sturludóttir alto, Elmar Gilbertsson tenor, Oddur A. Jónsson bass and Hallgrimskirkja Chamber Orchestra. Conductor: Hörður Áskelsson.

Here’s more Information. I will also be singing at the closing concert on the 10th of June – Eternal Fire, Fountain of Love:

Three cantatas for Pentecost by J.S.Bach: Erschallet, ihr Lieder (BWV 172), O ewiges Feuer, O, Ursprung der Liebe (BWV 34), and Bleib bei uns (BWV 6). Première of Veni, Sancte Spiritus, a cantata for Pentecost by Sigurður Sævarsson. Herdís Anna Jónasdóttir soprano, Hildigunnur Einarsdóttir alto, David Erler countertenor, Benedikt Kristjánsson tenor and Oddur A. Jónsson bass. Schola Cantorum, the Hallgrímskirkja Motet Choir and the Hallgrímskirkja International Baroque Orchestra. Conductor: Hörður Áskelsson.